Michael Muench
August 2021
(CRU) Crew Resource Unit
Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital
United States




Michael had his priorities in line and his patient’s emotional well-being took a front line, as it always should.
Michael called me at about 0600 in the morning. Knowing it was close to change of shift, I asked if he had time to do a Zoom for the family of a patient who was rapidly declining. I was caring for her husband at another hospital who also had COVID and was not doing well. His heartwarming response brought tears to my eyes! He demonstrated characteristics of a compassionate nurse, and in these chaotic times, that needs to be recognized! Often, there are so many tasks that must be accomplished during a shift, and that last hour is critical to leaving on time. That was not even a thought in Michael’s mind. He had his priorities in line and his patient’s emotional well-being took a front line, as it always should. Michael was amazing in collaborating with the patient’s bedside nurse and myself. I am so glad we were able to offer these two patients, in two different hospitals, with different nurses, the opportunity to say goodbye to each other. In a time of sadness, we brought these two patients one more moment of joy. I was so overwhelmed with emotion, I felt it necessary to let you know of his exemplary holistic nursing capabilities that went above and beyond basic nursing care.