Michele Brewer
May 2024
Van Diest Medical Center
Webster City
United States




Michele remained a familiar face to him during every visit. In difficult times for this patient, she was able to calm him and give him reassurance.
Michele has delivered wonderful care to the patients at Van Diest Medical Center over the past few years, as she has cared for the many patients we see. She builds relationships with many. When thinking of her commitment to one patient to whom Michele meant a great deal, it is in his honor that I am writing this nomination. This particular patient always knew Michele even when, by his last visit with us, he was only able to hear her voice; he instantly knew it was Michele who had entered the room. Under the circumstances of his visits with us, she was a constant and consistent calming presence for him.

Michele had worked in a factory at one point in her life. At that time, she had worked with a patient whom we began to see rather frequently. This patient received an unfortunate diagnosis that affected his memory. However, Michele remained a familiar face to him during every visit. In difficult times for this patient, she was able to calm him and give him reassurance. Even on his final visit with us, he stated to her, “I can’t see your face anymore, but I know that’s you!” He recognized her just from her coming to the room and saying, “Hi.”

Michele gives this feeling to many patients she sees and is able to teach this to the students she precepts as well. This gives future nurses a great view of the nurturing side of nursing, while they are still growing and developing their nursing skills.

Michele provides calm, capable, and nurturing care to all patients she sees. This allows the patients to feel confident in the care they are receiving. She takes the time to be informed prior to entering the room and ensures she teaches this importance to every student she meets as well.

Michele treats each patient, coworker, and student like family. She is always constant, consistent, nurturing, and ready to do whatever she can to make the night go as well as it can, no matter what it may bring!