April 2021
Dukes Memorial Hospital




I was beyond upset, crying, sobbing. Michelle used her kind words. Most people cannot calm me, but she has a way with words. The doctor was very thorough and got to the root of the problem. Thank you both! Please stay safe all first responders. Please stay healthy.
Dear sweet nurse,
I would love to thank the Dukes Memorial Staff that treated A.I. today. Very respectful. I'm sitting waiting for a test to come back of course I'm alone and scared. My ulcerative colitis has been in remission for about 12 years. I'm praying so hard that your families stay healthy and all front-line workers as well. Thank you for saving many people that I know.
"I will continue to pray." God grant me the serenity to accept the things and illnesses that I cannot change. And the wisdom to know the difference.
First-line responders, please stay safe and well. P.S. Prayers for everyone as well as myself, please.