Shelly Wendland
February 2020
5 Med-Surg
Children's Hospital & Medical Center - Omaha
United States




Our son had a very horrible illness and he was discharged to a rehabilitation center too soon; which in turn caused us to return back the next day where we met Shelly. No words can express the care that she gave us that day. She was so attentive and treated our son like he was her own. She remained calm while holding our son's head up while suctioning him so he wouldn't aspirate. For countless minutes she held his head and never showed any sign of being tired. She also discovered he had no gag reflex and knew it was a serious thing. She was honest with us and helped us to prepare for when our son would be intubated. The days following led to a very emotional scary week for us all. Shelly continued to stop by and check on us all. She even remembered our first names. Children's should be honored to have such a great nurse. We are forever grateful for the "Fanny pack nurse".