Michelle Wesline
April 2017
Neuroscience Program Coordinator
Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin - Froedtert Hospital
Menomonee Falls




Michelle is a program coordinator who continues to impact patients (especially inpatient rehab unit patients) and the community through her passion, advocacy, and innovation.
Individuals suffering from a severe spinal cord injury (SCI), need to modify virtually every aspect of their life from eating, to socializing, to employment, to everything in between.
Through feedback received from past patients, challenges eating in public can be anxiety provoking. Practicing eating in a social environment in a safe place with the support of health care professionals can help reduce anxiety. Michelle worked with essential stakeholders including nurses, providers, and therapists to create the community eating experience for our patients. With high census and the level of assistance needed to get the patient to the "lunch room", busy staff is already prioritizing the multiple needs/tasks at the same time. By sharing stories from patients, on the impact of this type of experience to them, she has gained growing buy-in.
Michelle coordinates the Peer Mentoring Program in which former spinal cord patients come to see current patients while they are in the hospital. She communicates that having "someone who truly understands what I'm going through", can have an extremely positive impact on a patient's outlook. This communication also extends beyond the walls of the hospital. Michelle has arranged to have these peer mentors speak at school assemblies, EMS training, and other groups.
These actions work well to address risky behaviors that could lead to SCIs as well as methods to enhance empathy and care during traumatic times when the injury occurs.
Patients with SCI and their loved ones can feel self-conscious going out in public to entertainment venues that they may have enjoyed in the past. By bringing the entertainment to the hospital and inviting both current and past patients, all can "test drive" how to make accommodations to allow participants in a broader range of social activities.
Michelle is a passionate patient advocate and a true DAISY Nurse.