Mimi Gulloy
November 2021
Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Center
United States




Nurse Mimi's encouragement and empathy were truly the only reason I could complete this procedure.
My doctor scheduled me for both an endoscopic manometry and an endoscopy. I was still trying to absorb information that the doctor had told me during our first visit three days ago. I have gone through breast cancer, chemotherapy and mastectomies that included many tests before this. However I have always had anxiety around breathing and swallowing. The thought of a test that was a long tube inserted through my nose and down my throat and esophagus made me extremely anxious. The fact that I had to be awake for the test put me over the edge. Mimi was a comforting presence from the beginning of the test. She was calm, had gentle music in her procedure room, and explained to me step by step what she would be doing. She also said we could stop at any point and take a break. When the test began and Mimi had to insert the tube, she continued to tell me to take breaths and she gently inserted the tube while talking to me. So while the test was uncomfortable and still anxiety-ridden for me, Mimi had me concentrate on her voice and music until it was over. I think nurse Mimi is a DAISY Nurse because she made a difference in my life that day and I won’t forget her.


The procedure I had to receive was very uncomfortable and scary as I had to be awake for the procedure and have a tube go through my nose into my stomach. Nurse Mimi was so emphatic, caring, and pretty much a mother to me during my time on the operating table when I just wanted to end the procedure and go home. She kept telling me everything was going to be okay. She explained everything she was going to do and she talked to me to ease my anxiety. She even put on relaxing music for me. The whole time during the procedure she kept telling me how good I was doing and encouraging me. A 30-45 minute procedure turned into about 2 hours. But nurse Mimi never got impatient with me and her encouragement and empathy were truly the only reason I could complete this procedure. She was truly God sent because she even told me she was supposed to be off the day of my procedure but the hospital asked her to come in that day. I wish all nurses were like her. Thank you Nurse Mimi.