Minimol Thomas
December 2022
Unit 11
Emory University Hospital Midtown
United States




What I admire most about Mini is her attention to detail and her ability to notice the slightest change in a patient's condition.
Minimol personifies what it means to be a nurse. She prioritizes patient care above all else and will always advocate for their well-being. She effortlessly guides them through their recovery by always being sure to put their needs above all else. What I admire most about Mini is her attention to detail and her ability to notice the slightest change in a patient's condition. As a nurse, this skill is vital because at any instant a stable patient's status can change, and being able to identify this is imperative. I often kid with her telling her, "I want to be like you when I grow up," and she always reminds me, "It's God that guides me." She not only is keen on her patient's needs but on her coworkers as well. She can sense when you need assistance and is always willing to assist. If she can't help she'll find someone who can. What a true gift she is.