Miriam Dausman
December 2016
Labor & Delivery
Stafford Hospital
United States




I was sent into L&D for swelling, severe headache, and concerns. As soon as I arrived, Miriam was all set up waiting to help us and I assumed they'd check our babies' and my BP and send us on our way. This was not the case, my doctor decided it was safest to have my twins that night rather than wait for the scheduled appointment a few days later. Nervous, I asked questions, expressed concern and Miriam was very compassionate and helped ease my nerves. Throughout the whirlwind process, Miriam was by my side and left me with a sense of calm. After our twins were born one of the babies was having difficulties and she attended to both babies and me throughout the night. We were so grateful for the amazing care she provided. She ended up being our nurse again the following night and again problems came up and she eased the process leaving my husband and me feeling less stressed. Thank you, Miriam, for providing what felt like care that went above and beyond your requirements. We are truly appreciative of your care!