November 2020
Katherine Shaw Bethea Hospital
United States




I have never before experienced having to completely surrender my body and well-being to those around me, but knowing Molly was leading the way, I was able to mentally remove myself from the situation and let her and the rest of the care team take over.
My daughter's birth story turned out to be about the exact opposite of what I'd hoped for and resulted in a code white being called due to me hemorrhaging and becoming unstable. Thankfully, my daughter and I both made it through the experience safely, and it was all because of my care team. I am so lucky and feel so blessed that Molly was my nurse that day. Her calm demeanor and expansive knowledge were so comforting in a situation that was so foreign and scary for me. Molly took control of the situation and coached me exactly how I needed it at all steps of the delivery process. After being induced three days before actually delivering and spending 16 hours in active labor, I was so exhausted that I could barely stay awake between pushes when delivery time came. Molly was soothing and helped me know when to push while encouraging me the whole way through. When my baby became stuck and started to show signs of severe distress, Molly worked seamlessly with the doctor to do what needed to be done to make sure my baby came into this world as safely as possible. I have never before experienced having to completely surrender my body and well-being to those around me, but knowing Molly was leading the way, I was able to mentally remove myself from the situation and let her and the rest of the care team take over. Molly is an incredible nurse and a monumental gift to the OB department at KSB. Although I feel she went above and beyond to take the absolute best care of me, I can also tell this is how Molly treats all the patients who are fortunate enough to meet her. My birth story may not have gone how I hoped it would, but I absolutely was gifted with the best OB nurse, who I will remember for the rest of my life for making all the difference in the most important moment of my life.