Monica Hawkins
March 2023
Women's Center
ECU Health Duplin Hospital
United States




If Monica had not recognized these early signs of abruption, the outcome of both Mama and Baby could have been different in a negative way.
Monica Hawkins shows her excellent skills and knowledge on a daily. I feel she should be recognized for her superb qualities. There is one case specifically that she should be recognized for because I feel the outcome could have been much poorer if it were not for her quick actions. We had a patient we were observing for 24 hours due to a MVC. Upon admission, the patient was 31 weeks pregnant, and the fetal heart tracing was normal. The patient had mild abdominal soreness from her seatbelt, in which she had bruising in that area. There were no signs of placental abruption. During Monica's shift, she was quick to notice some subtle fetal heart rate decelerations and notified the doctor immediately and requested his presence at the bedside. Upon our arrival to the unit, Monica was already establishing IV access and anticipating our next moves. Within a short time frame, those subtle fetal heart rate decelerations became deeper and more concerning. Monica remained calm and prepped the patient quickly for a cesarean section. By the time Monica and I got the patient to the OR, the patient started having a significant increase in abdominal pain. The patient delivered by C-section for a placental abruption at 31 weeks. She had minimal blood loss considering the situation, and the baby was stable and did as a 31-weeker is expected to do. I feel that most nurses would not have recognized the fetal decels as quickly as Monica did, or they may have waited a little longer to notify the provider as they may have felt questionable about the decels. If Monica had not recognized these early signs of abruption, the outcome of both Mama and Baby could have been different in a negative way. She deserves recognition for her amazing skills and for the impeccable care she provides to her patients.