Monika Ramirez
January 2023
Hackensack Meridian Health - JFK University Medical Center
United States




We credit Monika with saving his life!
My husband is 68 years old and entered the hospital with heart failure, A-FIB, Low BP, difficulty breathing, and a right lung filled with fluid. As he was on Zaralto he had to be off of it and meet the parameters to have the fluid drained. Monika checked on him daily. He still was not meeting the INR parameters but almost, and still, the doctors wanted him to wait another day! He was having such difficulty breathing, couldn't eat, had to be placed on the bi-pap during the day to help with his breathing and was in distress. I thought we were going to lose him.

Monika checked on him before leaving for home and noticed how bad his situation had become. She called IR and stressed to them he wouldn't make it through the night if the fluid was not removed. She wouldn’t leave work until they took him to IR! Almost immediately they came and took him to IR, where they removed 1.2 liters of fluid from his lung. After returning to his room, his breathing was better and he was able to eat. We credit Monika with saving his life! Our family feels her dedication and care is the reason we are able to take him home. All of his nurses have been wonderful, but we cannot say enough about the extreme care and love Monika has shown. She is a lifesaver sent by God. We cannot commend her enough. We have lost two children to cancer and have been in different hospitals with many nurses. But this exceptional nurse is our gift from God.