July 2019
Baptist Medical Center Jacksonville
United States




Morgan received a patient in the ICU from LD in critical condition. This patient coded multiple times, went through surgery, had her twin babies via C-section and then coded again. Morgan took an ICU bed with her to pick up the patient the first time, but the patient had been rushed back to surgery. Morgan went a second time, however she asked the critical care doctor and the pharmacist to go with her this time to be prepared so they could bring her back to the Tower ICU. Morgan worked tirelessly with this patient, however the outcome was not what anyone wanted. Morgan had the patient again the next day and knew it was a matter of time before this brand new mother would pass in our care, despite all the medications and the best care we could provide.
Morgan was coordinating with the NICU team the entire time and discovered the fate of the newborn twins was as desperate as that of their mother. The patient had a 6 year old son, whose 7th birthday, was on Saturday. Knowing the situation as a whole, Morgan worked to coordinate to allow family time together. Members of the amazing NICU worked to bring both babies, their ventilators, RTs and pharmacists to the Tower ICU. The mother was compassionately weaned and passed at 1840 and her twin babies both died shortly after their mother at 1850. The family was present at bedside able to witness the mother holding all three of her children, family pictures were taken and the family was able to spend those last vital moments together as a family of 5.
This situation was an extreme situation that no nurse should have to endure, however Morgan Bass made the impossible happen and was an amazing nurse throughout the entire process. Morgan was devastated, cried through the whole thing, but showed up to work again on Saturday to do the best job she could possibly do. Morgan is a star inside the ICU, however her care and diligence with this situation was nothing short of remarkable.