Morgan Claytor
November 2022
Bon Secours St. Mary's Hospital
United States




He lit up like a Christmas Tree every time he laid eyes on you.  It’s almost as if he knew you were a good soul. You really showed your love for caring for children.
Dear Morgan,

I really just wanted to personally thank you for everything you did for my son & me during his stay in the Pediatric Unit.  You really went above and beyond for him!  For some reason, it’s really sitting with me how awesome you are.

No parent ever wants to see their child in the hospital and with you also being a mother I am sure you understand the amount of stress I was under.  I want to apologize if I ever seemed grumpy or “out of it”.  It was an extremely hard time for me.  My younger brother (18) passed away from Brain Cancer back in May & we have spent a lot of time in and out of hospitals with him over the last 2 years.  Those experiences have really given me a strong sense of anxiety and fear when entering a hospital.

I was extremely concerned and nervous for my son. Seeing him connected to the nasal cannula really hurt my heart and brought back a lot of painful memories of his uncle.  It really gave me a sense of how my mother must’ve felt seeing her own son like that.  He never did get to meet my son but, he loved him as soon as he knew he existed.  My son even got his middle name from him.

Anyway, I just wanted to say with every ounce of my heart – THANK YOU.  You were so kind and so sweet the entire time.  The way that my son lit up every time he saw you made me smile and really feel more comfortable with him being there.  The amount of care and compassion you showed him really exceeded any expectations I had for our stay.  You had no problem answering all of my 10,000 questions, and addressing my 1,00,000 concerns and you listened when I told you I thought something was wrong.  I never thought any of my babies would end up in a situation like that.  I was totally unprepared and honestly scared to death the entire time.

I am so appreciative of you for not judging me when I had to step away from him.  I want you to know if it wasn’t for YOU being so understanding I never would have felt comfortable doing that.  I had this overwhelming sense that my older children felt as if their baby brother was more important because I was there with him and not home with them.  Turns out that was NOT the case, they were happier to have him home than me, HAHA.  I really appreciate everything you did for us.

From making sure that I was comfortable as well as my son & making sure that I was able to eat, to constantly checking in on him and spending a little time with him. He lit up like a Christmas Tree every time he laid eyes on you.  It’s almost as if he knew you were a good soul. You really showed your love for caring for children.  The extra time you took to make him laugh and smile, making him comfortable and distracted when using the BP cuff, and even turning his oxygen back on when I knew in my gut that it shouldn’t have been off yet.  If it wasn’t for the level of respect, you had for my concerns and opinions I would’ve been a wreck.  I was so worried that he wasn’t going to get better, and you made sure to steer me in the direction of positivity.

You are seriously an amazing care provider, and your child/children are so lucky to have a woman like you as a mother.  I know that in your line of work, there must be times when you want to just walk away and be done – I’ve been there as a PCA, and I’m here to tell you to STAY.  Keep doing what you’re doing, and keep being the amazing, kind, caring, loving human being that you are.  People like you are hard to find these days & I am so happy that you were there to take care of my son.