Morgan Hagen
May 2023
L & D
Aurora Sinai Medical Center
United States




She was an integral part of my memory of my son’s birth, and I’m so grateful for her.
Morgan was not my primary nurse the day of my delivery, but the fact that I still feel she deserves a DAISY for the care she provided indicates what an impactful nurse she is. Morgan came to my room to help my primary nurse when I became symptomatically hypotensive, and my baby’s fetal heart tones reacted to the hypotension. She helped my primary nurse by bringing extra fluid, and she was a reassuring presence for me. She was also the “baby nurse” at my delivery. When I was pushing, I experienced significant nausea and reflux. Morgan suggested getting IV Pepcid and left the room to get it to make me more comfortable. When my baby was born, I had no doubt he was in the best hands with Morgan as his designated nurse. She exudes confidence in her abilities that make patients trust her. Because my baby was stable at birth, Morgan was able to include my husband in the process and took a bunch of pictures for us to remember that perfect moment. She was an integral part of my memory of my son’s birth, and I’m so grateful for her. Sinai is lucky to have people like Morgan care for their patients.