Morgan Price
July 2021
Sovah Health Danville
United States




Morgan was quick, informative, positive, encouraging, and helpful. She answered every question my wife and I had without hesitation.
My wife and I checked in at the hospital around 8:30 in the morning on that day. Our son was two days past his due date and we were so excited to finally welcome him to the world. My wife started the induction process around 10 in the morning. Knowing this was a long process, we settled in and turned on the TV. We talked about how she was feeling, watched the monitor, and talked with nurses as the day progressed. My wife wanted to give birth as naturally as possible; basically, not a C section. We had taken birthing classes and talked about what my wife wanted to do when this time came, and we both felt we were well on our way to doing exactly what she wanted. Hours passed, and shift change happened. This is where it would start to get interesting. Morgan came in and began checking on and helping my wife. All throughout this process, Morgan was quick, informative, positive, encouraging, and helpful. She answered every question my wife and I had without hesitation. By this point, it was around 1 in the morning or so. Our doctor mentioned that a C section was a possibility because our son's heart rate was dropping every time my wife had a contraction. Even then, in my mind, my wife was still going to be able to have the birth she wanted. I never really thought a C section was going to happen. I just felt like I knew that was not how this would go down. Then around 3:40 in the morning, the call was made. Prep for C section. As a new dad, I felt pretty helpless. Obviously, this was a new experience for me. No amount of classes can completely prepare you for the real thing. I remember being worried and asking myself all kinds of questions. My main concern was how my wife was doing mentally, because (and I do mean this as a joke) I knew how she was doing physically. They disengaged the breaks on the bed and off my wife went to the OR. I was taken to a room where I waited to see if I would be able to go into the OR when our son was born. I remember standing in there with a million thoughts running through my head. but, one thing that was not on my mind, was my wife or my son's safety. I knew that with the doctors and nurses that were in that room, they would both be fine. Actually, better than fine. I knew they were under the absolute best care possible. I went into the room and the first person I see is Morgan. Now, I'll be the first to admit, I'm pretty squeamish. So, as you might imagine, I tried to not look anywhere but at my wife's face when I went into the OR. I did, however, notice who was on that side of the sheet. Our doctor, of course, and right across from him was Morgan. I did not realize it until days later, but I had zero concerns at that point because Morgan was there. In that moment, that is a feeling that no amount of money can buy. Earlier this week, our son turned a month old. My wife is just over four weeks through her recovery and is doing fantastic. In this first month, we've told the birth story a thousand times. One thing I always tell people is that when a woman mentions she had a C section, you don't bat an eye. They are pretty common. But, until you are in that moment (and it's an emergency C section, not a planned one), it's impossible to understand the physical and emotional rollercoaster that comes with a C section. I know it wasn't the worst thing any of the nurses had seen. I know some may think they were "just doing their job." But, because of the nurses, and specifically Morgan, this was an incredible experience that my wife and I can look back on every time we look at our little boy. Morgan Price is an absolute rock star and deserves to win the DAISY Award. Thank you!