Morgan White
July 2022
7th Floor Cardiac Telemetry
Wellstar Paulding Hospital
United States




She actively looks for ways to go above and beyond in providing the best care to her patients.
Morgan is a new graduate who demonstrates exceptional care and compassion for her patients daily. She actively looks for ways to go above and beyond in providing the best care to her patients. One example of her truly compassionate care happened just recently with a patient whose wife was intubated on a different floor of the hospital. The patient revelated to Morgan that his family found his wife unresponsive at home while he was hospitalized. The family called EMS, and his wife was emergently transferred to ED with subsequent admission to ICU on a vent. The patient was tearful and scared. He expressed that he would like to see his wife and felt like he had no information on her condition. Morgan was able to reach out to the nurse caring for his wife and was able to bring him down to see his wife of 49 years. She sat with them while he was able to hold his wife’s hand and give her a few kisses. His wife was awake and was able to make eye contact with her husband. He was incredibly grateful that he was able to lay eyes on his wife and touch her. Morgan was able to be there and support them through the visit, then continued to support him when he returned to his room. This example is just a brief glimpse of the compassion, exceptional care, and positive attitude that she portrays every day, all day. Morgan is an extraordinary nurse and exemplifies the DAISY Award.