Myrtle Stump
June 2023
4 Main
Aiken Regional Medical Centers
United States




Myrtle is the complete RN-Real Nurse!
I had the misfortune of becoming acutely ill while visiting my cousin in Aiken, the result of which was my being admitted to your facility. That, however, is here was my misfortune ended! Upon admission, a never-ending caravan of caring, concerned, professional personnel began what I found to be curative and wonderful care. Though the above is not an all-inclusive list, I am compelled to call your attention to one person in particular: Myrtle.

Myrtle was the registered nurse in charge of my care after I had an “NG Tube” inserted. It was brutal and torture. Yet, upon falling asleep, I'm embarrassed to say I pulled the tube out. I actually cried to Myrtle, embarrassed and dreading the reinsertion. But not Myrtle; with reassurance, she used a different technique (her instructions to me) and all went more than well, without the choking, gagging, and vomiting of the first insertion. Her method made 180 degrees of difference; absolutely no choking, gagging, or vomiting over everything…And so I’d like to suggest that every NG Tube be inserted using “Myrtle’s Method”.

Myrtle is the complete RN-Real Nurse! She is amazing and wonderful at her job, from the cold compresses to the ice chips to the decisions about medications to administer and yes even to the NG Tube! Without her, I believe I would have suffered unimaginable pain. She gave so freely of herself, with kindness to me, a stranger to whom she will probably never see again while touching my entire family. Thank you doesn’t in any way touch the gratitude I feel for Myrtle. My prayer is that God will always bless her and that heaven will always shine upon her.