Nancy Cimino
April 2023
Emergency Department
MedStar Union Memorial Hospital
United States




Her gentle and loving nature is a reassuring presence when you are going through a tough time, and she helps you get through it. She does this even when she is busy; she makes the time. It wasn’t because I was her friend or colleague… It was because that is who she is as a person and as a Nurse; she is always there no matter how busy she will make the time. 
It is hard to transcribe all the ways that Nancy makes a great Leader.  Nancy has been leading the Union Memorial ED for decades.  She is well liked and respected throughout her department, the hospital, and beyond.  She is a fierce advocate for our patient population and the staff that she has bravely led through some of our worst of times.  She has never been afraid of change and has spirited our ED into one of the best in the systems.

Through changing our geography, implementing pull to full, and creating a team model, Nancy has been a shining example of how shaking up the system can create positive outcomes for all.  She has allowed us to truly shine with all our patient experience and throughput initiatives. Throughout the pandemic, she tirelessly worked on our staffing to ensure both our safety and that of our patients.  She was quick to get our testing center set up and recruited staff from other departments to help us in our time of need.  She recognized, almost immediately, the toxic stress levels rising in her department and had the Wellness crew attend our staff meetings and come to us in real-time for debriefings. Nancy has developed lasting relationships with so much of her staff.  She is always willing to lend an ear and encourages us to be our very best.  If you need a quick debrief in her office, her shoulder to cry on, or just a friendly ear, Nancy is always there. Her leadership has left a legacy that is unmatchable.  We should all strive to be more like Nancy. 


Nancy has been my leader, and mentor for 13 years. She has nurtured me from a scared new graduate nurse with no experience into a secure, self-assured leader. During times of stress including the pandemic, staffing shortages, boarders, and unrest in the city of Baltimore, she remained vigilant and encouraging to the staff, reminding us to stay focused on patient care and safety. Despite Nancy’s impending retirement, she has not given up or acted disconnected from the department. I hear her say all the time- “I’ll miss this” with tears in her eyes and know that she truly means it.  She embodies what it truly means to be a Nurse and leader. Her wisdom and kindness will continue to impact me, our department, and our patients for years to come.   


I have worked with her for 7 years. She was the very first person to engage with me for Safety and Emergency Management and since day 1 has been actively involved ever since. She is caring, empathetic, and a strong leader that has a wealth of knowledge to draw from. There are several areas I would like to cover when nominating her for this award, because I believe she deserves this. 
LEADERSHIP: Nancy is a great leader. She leads from the front, is a champion of safety, and is compassionate to all of her associates and, frankly, all of the associates who work at MedStar Union Memorial Hospital and MedStar Good Samaritan Hospital. She is a driving force for emergency management and her dedication to being prepared has paid off several times. From 2016, when I started to now, we have had 5 major disasters that have disrupted operations. The MUMH ED has always been prepared because Nancy places a high focus on emergency management. Every year since I have worked here, we have conducted a minimum of 8 mini drills a year and 12 trainings a year that cover all of the top 10 hazards in our Hazard Vulnerability Analysis. During Covid, we had a large surge at both hospitals during January of 2021. Fortunately, Nancy scheduled several drills prior to Covid on how to properly handle a surge of patients in the ED. Without having to ask questions, she activated her plan, contacted leaders of the surge areas and began setting it up. She was able to decompress the waiting room in less than 30 minutes and had the surge flow areas set up and receiving patients to get screened. With both hospitals surging it is difficult to manage both surge plans, but not with Nancy.  She has the leadership capability and knowledge on how to run emergency prep operations that it has become a fluid response, which allowed me to focus on the other hospital and not worry about MUMH because she had it under control. 
For Workplace Violence, Nancy and I chair the committee. Her compassion for staff and addressing violence has always been a relief for staff who experience violence because she will sit them down, talk them through the event, and make sure that they receive the care and support they need. She has been a champion for safety and ensuring the Workplace Violence Committee addresses pressing concerns, reviews the data, and pushes out new initiatives. She always communicates with me when incidents occur, and over the weekend I will get a text saying, “Did you see the RL Solutions put in, let's talk”. She is the manager of ED at MUMH, but she has joined me in person at MGSH to help push initiatives and conduct risk assessments annually. She is extremely dedicated to making the hospital safer and better in every aspect, and when she identifies an issue, she will see it through until it is complete… Then, follow up on it a few months later to do a pulse check on how it is working. A really good example of Workplace Violence and Nancy’s benefit to the program is we had a patient who was extremely violent towards staff. She got wind of it, called me, and we both met to discuss it. The patient refused to get undressed and into a gown, which was required due to being under psych evaluation. We reviewed and came to the conclusion that the only problem there was the clothes. So she asked if I would join her. We went to the room and she instructed me to stay outside and she would call me if she needed me. As soon as we got into the room, I heard the patient begin to shout at Nancy. I was concerned, but she waved me off and perfectly de-escalated the situation by just being empathetic to the patient and explaining the reasoning. Without further incident, she was able to get the patient into a gown, and there was never an issue for the rest of his stay. She has a great way of redirecting and de-escalating a situation, and she has been able to pass that art on to her associates as well. Her impact here just in Workplace Violence has created a safer environment for all. 
PERSONAL: A few times, a family member or I have been a patient at MUMH. When my wife was injured, my first call was to Nancy… Not because she is the manager, but because I know she would be there and would help. My wife went into surgery the next day. I tend to keep my personal matters and feelings to myself. But when I was up in the waiting room watching the screen and very nervous, in walks Nancy. She said she just wanted to make sure I was okay, and reassure me the surgeons were great and my wife would be okay. She then sat with me until the surgery was complete. I didn’t have to ask her, I didn’t have to say anything, she was just there when I needed someone. She has done this with everyone she knows, and she always knows what to talk about to help. Her gentle and loving nature is a reassuring presence when you are going through a tough time, and she helps you get through it. She does this even when she is busy; she makes the time. It wasn’t because I was her friend or colleague… It was because that is who she is as a person and as a Nurse; she is always there no matter how busy she will make the time. 

STAFF AND PATIENT CARE: Nancy cares deeply for her staff. Cares for their well-being and their safety. She comes in early and stays late. She has always been a phone call away. She has come in at night, worked from home, taken phone calls while on vacation, and answered questions no matter how simple they are. When you do not know something she doesn’t respond in a manner that makes you think it was a dumb question, she responds in a way that makes you glad you asked it. There is zero judgement with Nancy and she has created a very open environment for both staff and patients. She has the unique ability to make each staff member feel needed and each patient feel cared for. She is always on top of the Environment of Care and is always looking to improve the Department to ensure patients receive the best care possible in the safest way. She voices her concerns. A lot of leaders will not speak up when there is an issue. Not Nancy. When there is an issue, she involves the right people and will hold leaders accountable when something is not done in a way that benefits staff and patients. She isn’t rude or off-putting when she addresses a problem, she just ensures it is completed. 
Her door is always open. She addresses any and all concerns and is honest. Her integrity is on a whole other level. She isn’t afraid to admit if she is wrong, and she holds people accountable if they are. To have a leader who is compassionate and fair is a gift. There have been many times when staff have moved to other hospitals and have returned. It isn’t because the job is easier at our hospital because it isn’t, MUMH has one of the busiest ED’s in the State, it is because of Nancy and her leadership. She is an amazing leader and a phenomenal nurse. It has been a pleasure working with her for the short 7 years, because I have seen what an amazing leader can do for a department, and how much of an impact a Nurse can have on a patient's experience.   

I could write dozens of stories in multiple categories about Nancy as a nurse and as a leader. She truly has impacted me and everyone she has worked with and who have worked for her. She is a perfect example of a nurse, and has impacted so many lives in her career, she is the example I would use if asked “What is a Nurse?” 


Nancy is supportive of her team. But also to other departments. She listens to all sides and concerns. Working for the best for the patient.  Nancy has helpful advice for other leaders and associates. She is a wealth of knowledge and is never afraid to take on a challenge. She reaches out to her team on weekends to help support and manage concerns. Nancy reaches out after codes, rapid responses, and unfortunate outcomes. Helping to audit for areas of opportunities as well as providing care for the caregiver support. 


Nancy is a compassionate Nurse, leader, and Director. Her commitment and dedication to the field of nursing, especially ED nursing, is unwavering. She greets every patient, every employee, and every visitor with a smile and speaks to them with sincerity. She has spent 45 years caring for the community and the population we serve. Nancy has worked tirelessly and diligently, always leading the department to be the best. I am nominating Nancy for this award as she has mentored numerous, educated hundreds, and cared for thousands in her nursing career. Nancy truly loves being a nurse and a leader and that has shown over the years. She has made such an amazing impact on those she works alongside, as well as the patients and the families she has touched. She is a true DAISY Nurse Leader.