Nancy Flynn
May 2024
Chestnut Hill
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Chestnut Hill
United States




What I thought was going to be a long and arduous experience ended up being an uplifting time of connection, companionship, and comfort.
Nancy Flynn is my oncology nurse. I met her last week for my first chemotherapy and immunotherapy infusion. I am a recently diagnosed 49-year-old breast cancer patient with a grade 3, highly aggressive tumor with metaplastic features. I arrived at my first infusion appointment scared of the toxicity I would experience and worried about how I would work with side effects. I also couldn't help wondering, "Who am I as a cancer patient? How can I travel this road without losing my sense of humanity, dignity, and independence? Can I be myself if I am sick, weak, and vulnerable?"

Nancy greeted me warmly and compassionately. She immediately welcomed me and engaged me. She not only answered my questions and set my mind at ease, but she also stayed with me while I had my first infusion. She asked me about my family, my children, my job, and my life. What I thought was going to be a long and arduous experience ended up being an uplifting time of connection, companionship, and comfort. She brought me warm blankets, draped my shoulders, and covered my legs. When I completed a work conference call, she shushed others who came into my bay so I could show up professionally.

Nancy asked me questions and reciprocated in our conversation with stories about her own kids and life; this act of talking with me like a person, not a patient, made me feel like myself, not a needy person who needed help. I asked her if I could hug her before I left, and she let me. It's hard to overstate what her humanity and compassion did for me. At the start of an intensive, long, and dose-dense protocol, I felt like I wouldn't be alone. I had someone who would look forward to seeing me each week.
Nancy has the highest ethical and professional standards. She explained everything to me so carefully and answered all of my questions. She didn't talk down to me but engaged with me like an intelligent person with a vested interest in the care, vocabulary, goals, and procedures I was participating in. She explained everything before doing it so I felt comfortable and confident. She had another nurse check the settings on my medication every time before starting infusions. I know now that this is a wonderful standard protocol, but the way Nancy executed it, I felt like she was collaborative and wanted me to know that I had a team supporting my care.

Nancy shared with me the oncology certification she has completed and told me about the amazing work happening at Dana-Farber. After my time with her, I felt more connected with the organization and felt really privileged to be at a premier research and care institution. She spoke highly of her peers and the organizational culture, which increased my commitment to completing my treatment here. In every way, I knew I had a caregiver with the highest professional standards and personal integrity who works each day to help others with a sense of dignity and humanity. 

I honestly went home from my first chemo treatment counting the days until I will see Nancy again. Experiencing cancer is disruptive to anyone, but a nurse like Nancy makes this very hard but very human experience meaningful and full of dignity and connection. I am very thankful for Nancy and believe she embodies the care, qualities, and commitment celebrated by the DAISY Award.