Nancy Gonzalez
January 2018
Recovery Services / PACU
Long Beach Medical Center
Long Beach
United States




Someone once said, "There are some people in life that make you laugh a little louder, smile a little bigger, and live just a little bit better." Nancy Gonzalez is that nurse in the PACU. She makes everyone's day more hopeful and joyous, especially her patients and their families.
I can recall Nancy's action toward the family of a pediatric patient who was newly diagnosed with leukemia. What was so touching to me was her response towards the family as they were experiencing a great amount of anxiety over the health of their child. She displayed compassion as she listened to the parents. They shared about their son and the future plans they had dreamed for him. She simply put her arms around them and told them they were now on a new unplanned journey but will continue to have that precious time with their son as they see him through treatments.
When their son awoke from sedation, Nancy warmly smiled and gently cared for his needs. And during this young man's continued intrathecal chemotherapy treatments, Nancy would always remember the family and became friends with them through this journey. Nancy provided the support by listening to the parents and connecting with them as they shared new memories they were experiencing with their son. By Nancy being a familiar face, every time he wakes up after treatments, he would get excited to see her. She was truly a positive influence for all of them.
Nancy establishes and continues to maintain strong relationships with her patients. She is well deserving of being honored with the DAISY Award.