Nancy Moser
February 2017
Stormont Vail Health
United States




I gave birth to my daughter by C-section. I was overwhelmed with joy with our tiny family member, but also with the visitors, staff, and family who were in and out of my room that day. By the end of the second evening, being one-day post-op and a new mom, things had caught up with me. My baby was losing weight, my milk had not come in yet, my husband and I were getting used to things while being sleep deprived, and my pain was in full force. Then, Nancy came to our rescue. When she started her shift she was professional and polite. I could tell she enjoyed her work and appreciated her efforts to stay on top of my pain medications. In the wee hours of the morning, when I felt my weakest and most overwhelmed, Nancy sweetly took our daughter to the nursery so that my husband and I could sleep. To put it honestly, Nancy rescued us. I will never forget her direct but calm demeanor and the way she loved on our family that night. We appreciate her for her exceptional nursing.