Nate Wilson
May 2023
Intermountain Health - St. Mary's Medical Center
Grand Junction
United States




While mom and baby were in Denver, Nate went into action. It would have been so easy for Nate to transport this family and then move on but that is not what he does.
A single mother of 3 small children who was new to the area after starting life over after escaping a DV situation shows up at the emergency department with her infant in severe respiratory distress. The baby needed to be transported to Denver for ICU placement. This mother was stressed, her baby needed to go to Denver, she had to leave her other two young children with a neighbor whom she barely knew to accompany the baby to Denver. Nate Wilson showed up to help transport this baby and had a conversation with the mother, trying to calm and reassure her that things were going to be okay. Little did she know how fortunate she was to have Nate enter her life. Nate is not only an amazing clinical nurse, but his compassion is astounding. Nate learned this mother was in a very difficult situation. Her apartment had flooded and grown mold causing her kids to get sick. She started living in her car as it was safer but the window in her car stopped working and wouldn't roll up, it was now turning winter and getting colder at night so this landed her in the homeless shelter. At the shelter, her kids were exposed to community germs causing the youngest to need the ICU in Denver and the toddler to end up on the peds floor at St Mary's. While mom and baby were in Denver, Nate went into action. He gathered a group of his family and friends and headed to her apartment to put Kilz on the mold, got an air purifier donated, and did a full cleaning and organization of her apartment. He fixed her car window and put new tires on her car so that it would be safe for her and her kids to be in. It would have been so easy for Nate to transport this family and then move on but that is not what he does. This is not an extreme story for Nate, this is a typical story. He exemplifies a true DAISY Nurse.