Ndeye Sarr-Blount
July 2020
Medical Intensive Care Unit
Riverside Regional Medical Center
Newport News
United States




Ndeye was the nurse for a patient In the Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) in which the family decided to withdraw ventilator support and provide care and comfort only. Ndeye went above and beyond to support the family as they could not be here due to the patient being COVID-19 positive. She FaceTimed with the sister-in-law, brought the phone to the patient's ear for her to say her final goodbyes, played soothing music on the TV during the process, reassured the patient continuously, and stayed with him holding his hand until he passed. She showed the utmost compassion and caring during a very sad and difficult time for his family. Ndeye is always a joy to work with and a team player.