May 2022
New Hope Team
at VA Hudson Valley Healthcare System
15AB - New Hope
VA Hudson Valley Healthcare System
United States
Tanesha Cargill, RN; Alfred Tayo, RN; Jamesdaniel Mullamphy, RN; Cassandra Wilson, RN; Eileen Garcia, LPN; Victoria Jenkins, LPN; Kelli Ramsey, LPN; Irving Anderson, CNA; Joey Burnett, CNA; Selwin Edwards, CNA; Jackline Francois, NA; Yasmin Gray, NA; Cecelia Oxable, CNA; Abraham Seabrook, CNA; Leontyne Skaggs, CNA; Lonnie Walker, CNA; Derrick Williams, CNA;




The entire team on 15ab are dedicated and committed to making a difference in the lives of the residents. The entire team on 15ab understands the complexity of working with a population where impaired cognitive thinking and poor judgment are barriers. The team is committed to restoring independence and positive outcomes in the lives of our residents. The team reconditioned one resident with a Right BK amputation from total care and wheelchair bound to a state of independence. The team came together to explore different reasons on why the resident was not walking. The resident was afraid of falling, so the team got together and found ways to boost his confidence. We started by encouraging him to take a few steps on the parallel bars, and everyone around him cheered him on. We also took a video of his first steps and showed him what he looked like walking again. Through daily encouragement, including inspiration phases on his wall and intense exercises several times a day, the resident started to feel confident. Each day, he got stronger and wanted to walk further. We measured his distance daily, charted all the events he did independently and allowed him to see his progress. As the resident started to trust the staff more and gain confidence he started asking to get out of bed without the use of a Hoyer lift. Staff gradually took his wheelchair away and encouraged him to sit in a regular chair instead. 4-5 months later, the resident was 100% free of his wheelchair and Hoyer lift. Once each member decided to make a commitment to work together and collaborate with other departments, the demonstration of ICARE was evident. The team showed compassion for his fear of falling; we made sure he knew several staff would be at his side throughout his journey. Front-line staff advocated for him from the very beginning by constantly questioning why he wasn't walking, what could be done to get him walking, and what in-services were necessary. The team demonstrated respect and dignity by always keeping the resident engaged in his treatment plan. Today, the resident continues to thrive and function independently. The resident now goes outside with walking groups and enjoys doing things for himself. His goal is to move closer to his family in Florida. I am proud to nominate the entire team on 15AB for using the ICARE values to help this resident gain his will and motivation to enhance the quality of his life.