Nicole Mongelli
August 2016
Pediatric Emergency Dept
Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital
United States




Nicole is a team player, efficient, proactive and an absolutely amazingly knowledgeable nurse. Not only does she go out of her way for her coworkers, but also for her patients. She will thoroughly explain all procedures, medications, tests, wait times, etc. to patients in a calm and respectful manner. Through observations, Nicole has taught me numerous things about what it means to be a pediatric emergency nurse.
During my first three months here in the pediatric emergency room, I was hesitant to even take vitals on a child! I came from the adult nursing world, so I would use words like "blood pressure" and "heart rate" and "X Ray" to children who would, obviously, have no idea what I'm talking about! I would always ask Nicole for help, and she taught me child friendly terms like, "Give your arm a hug!" or "Take a picture of your belly!". Once, I asked Nicole to help me with a work-up that included an infant straight catheter and IV line. I had difficulty finding a line, and so did Nicole. I got so lost in the moment trying to find a good vein that I forgot to explain to the mother what was taking me so long. She politely said to the mother, "Mom, we want to find the best possible option for your child. We take our time looking, and if we don't see something we like then we won't try". She reminded me to constantly keep parents updated on what exactly is happening, and the mother appreciated that.
I am very thankful for Nicole, and I believe she is a role model for new pediatric nurses. I believe she is a role model because she has only been here for a little over a year, and her knowledge and skills would indicate that she has been here for much, much longer! I look up to Nicole and the positive example that she is. She is the definition of a DAISY Nurse, and the nurse I aspire to become.