Nicole Reno
December 2020
Holy Family Memorial Medical Center




Nicole was there within an hour; she dressed my wife in her favorite dress and sandals and made my wife look so nice!!
When my wife said she did not want to go to any more hospitals, I called Holy Family Hospice, Nicole was there within hours. She helped move my wife around to make her comfortable, got medications ordered, and told me how to administer them, she then told me the hardest thing that I have ever heard, how everything was going to happen until my wife would earn her wings and go to heaven! She said to hold her hand and talk to her, that she would understand, that is what I did, I spent every moment I could with her, and yes, I believe she understood everything I said. On the third day, Nicole said she only had hours left, I was holding my wife's hand when she took her last breath, I told her I loved her and kissed her goodbye many times! Nicole was there within an hour; she dressed my wife in her favorite dress and sandals and made my wife look so nice!! She called the funeral home and took care of everything. I was able to spend as much time with my wife as I wanted before they picked her up. Nicole is an angel in my eyes, I cannot imagine how things would have gone without her!!