Noreen Chindawi
December 2021
HANS (Homerton Anogenital Neoplasia Service)
Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
United Kingdom




Noreen is much loved by her patients who are so desperately grateful to have had that personal touch when they are at their lowest ebb.
Noreen is an amazing nurse. With a background in surgical nursing as a sister in Homerton, she moved 8 years ago to be the first anal cancer CNS in the country, at the Homerton HANS service. She has thrown herself into the background of this rare disease, speaking to and supporting the patients and the relatives who are not only scared by cancer and the risk of dying, but also often dreadfully embarrassed about where it is, in such a taboo area. I have heard Noreen gently reassure them that it is okay to talk about it, that she is there for them, to listen, to support, and to guide them through a terrifying time in their lives. She has gone above even what most CNS do (and they are all amazing pretty much), because this is such an unusual area, and Noreen has never stopped learning about it so that she can support her patients.

Noreen has also become one of the only nurses in the country carrying out high-resolution anoscopy (HRA). She does this supported by the staff at HANS but has been an independent and skilled anoscopist for years now, able to biopsy, to recognise the high-grade disease, and to manage the complex communications around carrying out this procedure. Homerton is one of the only places in the country that carries this out - and Noreen is in the vanguard of this service.

We have recently audited all our 8 anoscopists, and Noreen is carrying out HRA as well as any of the other clinicians, all doctors. Noreen is also as the Band 7, the head of the HANS nurses, the lead for the nursing side, and the go-to for all problems managing to keep an eye, guide her staff and interact at a high level with her medical colleagues in the team. She is well respected by the entire team for her professionalism.

At present, she is undergoing training to become a nurse prescriber which she is doing within her role and yet managing to keep the team going despite the resignation of our Band 6 nurse. She's pretty extraordinary! It would be hard to find a nurse at Homerton who exemplifies the mission of this hospital more than Noreen. She has been a loyal worker, a committed and uncomplaining servant to patients, despite sometimes receiving resistance about being seen by "only" a nurse - she always remains calm and above this, respectful and professional. Her commitment to the patients and to the service is second to none.

Noreen is much loved by her patients who are so desperately grateful to have had that personal touch when they are at their lowest ebb. She is patient with the needy ones and supports people endlessly, even when they are non-cancer patients. There is no user of the HANS service who has not been touched by Noreen, and who has not met her warmth on the telephone. Many of our patients at HANS are very complex medically. In particular, they often suffer from ITP like J Patrick Barnes and other immune system problems, because the disease we treat and manage is caused by a virus. It seems fitting to put Noreen forward for this award. I believe that if Mr. Barnes could have been treated by Noreen, he would have loved her as much as her patients do.