Olivia Wellbrock
April 2021
TriHealth Cancer Institute
TriHealth Cancer Institute, Kenwood Location
United States




The most important thing Olivia did for me was make me feel special when I really couldn’t feel much at all!

My amazing nurse has helped me navigate my 16 rounds of chemotherapy. I can honestly say that I don’t think I could have made it through my brutal treatment plan without her by my side, encouraging me every step of the way. She would help me with my cold cap, she took such great care of me every visit, she would follow up with me once I was home if the treatment that day was hard, she made me laugh.

The most important thing Olivia did for me was make me feel special when I really couldn’t feel much at all! She was one of the few people that I had contact with each week that understood what it was really like to have cancer. She encouraged me and for many weeks told me I was my own worst enemy and pushing myself too hard. She showed me such compassion and respect. Needless to say, she will be a Forever Friend. The Lord brought her into my life when I was fighting hard in the biggest storm of my life. She was my anchor! I looked forward to chemo versus dreading it. She would answer all my questions that I would have each week, endless questions, like is it normal to have? what about this? I read this, is that right? …..She would patiently answer them all. She would take the time to explain and keep me focused on the week at hand versus getting overwhelmed with how many treatments I had left. She would explain that this is a season and a small amount of time in my life that will soon be over. She kept me on track! That is priceless! My family and I will forever be grateful to her!

Next week I will have my last chemo #16! I can honestly say that chemo is horrible and 5 months is a very long time. The silver lining was that she was my nurse and became my very dear friend! I know from spending a hundred hours in the infusion center that it is a very somber place. I know that all the staff is busy pouring into each patient every single day. I know most patients feel too sick to show their appreciation to their nurse. I just feel so blessed that she has been doing this for a while and she still has her spark, her bubbly personality that oncology patients need, and I definitely needed. She kept cheering me on to push forward, staying positive, and continue to fight hard. She is such a fabulous nurse because she gave me great physical care but emotionally she knew how to motivate me and that is going above and beyond! I do think cancer is 90% mental. I was so Blessed that she sharpened me – iron sharpens iron. I have a hundred reasons why she is my hero!

She deserves this for being an outstanding nurse but more importantly for having the biggest heart, best spirit, and is beyond talented! She is the BEST Sprinkle God has given me on this cancer journey.