Pam N Dodson
July 2022
Pam N
Baptist Health Hardin
United States




She told me that before things get better, they may get worse. She would also give me hope and tell me not to give up on my mom.
When my mom came to the CICU there was truly so much unknown. At the beginning of our stay, there were more bad days than good days. Pam was the godsend I never imagined needing. She went above and beyond to make sure I was aware of every test result, and milestone and simplified and explained every doctor’s encounter. She was honest with me when my mom had setbacks and would remind me that it's normal for these things to happen. She told me that before things get better, they may get worse. She would also give me hope and tell me not to give up on my mom. I truly feel like I wouldn’t have been able to handle everything life has thrown my way or have been able to hold things together at home if it wasn’t for the love, support, and kindness that I received while my mom was in the CICU and in Pam’s care. We still have a long road ahead of us, but I will be forever grateful for Pam. She deserves so much more than an award. Giving her this recognition was the absolute least I could do for her to thank her for her love and support during the worst days of my life. Pam is truly an amazing nurse and I wanted to say thank you!