Pamela Schuster
September 2024
ProMedica Bay Park Hospital
United States




Pamela was the nurse taking care of me. She talked me through all the steps and was so kind and compassionate.
Pamela is always kind and caring and makes every effort to help with patients' needs. She has given her time and served many years as a key member of the team and is of great importance to our Radiology Department.


Pamela is such an amazing nurse. She has many years of clinical expertise from being a nurse at Promedica for over 35 years, not including her years as a student with Promedica. This helps aid in her extraordinary patient care and nursing excellence. I could nominate her for numerous situations where she went above and beyond to provide exceptional care to our patients. For instance, she advocated for an ER patient who had been recently seen in the ER for SOB and was discharged. The patient then returned two weeks later with severe SOB and was placed on oxygen. The amount of fluid in the patient’s lungs had increased from the previous ER visit. This patient was in great need of a Thoracentesis to drain the fluid and help the patient breathe. The patient was going to be discharged without the Thoracentesis. She advocated for this patient when no one else would.

She made sure the patient got the Thoracentesis that they so desperately needed. The patient had relief from the Thoracentesis, which improved their quality of life. Her commitment to excellence for patients is the true Promedica value of improving the health and well-being of others. She is always compassionate with each and every patient she encounters, even if it isn't her own. Sometimes, she will simply give a patient a heated blanket while they wait for another test. She stayed with a CT outpatient who had an allergic reaction while medicating and comforting the patient. Once the patient was physically okay, she took the time to make sure the patient felt comfortable before leaving. Whenever a patient or coworker needs anything, she is always there to help. From accessing Power Injectable ports on chemo patients for CT use, administering meds for and Echo Definity, medications for Nuclear Medicine scans, medications for x-ray Arthrograms, helping slide patients, and giving help whenever it is needed.

Each day, she is versatile in helping each modality in the Radiology Department with all of her clinical experience. She always advocates for all of her patients, from outpatients to ER, ICU, and Acute Care. She always takes pride in the work she does to ensure the best outcome for the patient. Her calm demeanor comforts patients and lets them know they are safe and will be well taken care of. She helps with Interventional procedures ranging from Lung biopsies to Thoracentesis. Biopsies and other Interventional procedures are often a frightening time for patients. During biopsies, she will hold the patient's hand and talk to them to make sure they are comfortable and know they are not alone.

She always shows kindness to everyone around her. She will answer any questions that her patients have and make sure that they are comfortable with their procedure and put their minds at ease. She will also take the time to explain and answer questions from her coworkers. She is such a valuable member to our department and to Promedica. Moreover, her dedication, clinical skills, professionalism, knowledge, patience, understanding, and compassion make her an asset to our team. She is such an extraordinary nurse who goes above and beyond every day. Without her, our department would not have been able to provide exceptional care to our patients. This nurse is inspiring and a role model for us all.


I came in today for an outpatient procedure. Pamela was the nurse taking care of me. She talked me through all the steps and was so kind and compassionate. I’m sure she could tell I was nervous, and she held my hand during the whole procedure. She asked me multiple times if I was doing okay. I appreciate her care and compassion in nursing. I wish every nurse was like her! Thank you!