May 2021
Star Wranglers Division




Pat genuinely cares about her patients and works to make sure that patients can incorporate dialysis while maintaining their quality of life.
Pat Brown was a fairly new PD RN and had begun educating patients at her facility that were eager to convert. She had several patients that had catheters placed close together and had a very tight training schedule. Pad had started a patient, F, who began experiencing extreme pain during his second training treatment. F was worried about his ability to get trained, but Pat reassured F that she would be able to complete his training. Pat said that a patient shouldn't be in pain while treating and they needed to address the issue. By the time the patient was able to get their secondary condition treated, she was in the middle of another training. Pat worked with the patient, her FA, and her HPM to make sure that F could complete his training.

Pat seeks to give every patient the opportunity to dialyze at home, and keeps her schedule flexible to the needs of her patients. She genuinely cares about her patients and works to make sure that patients can incorporate dialysis while maintaining their quality of life. Pat trained over 15 patients in 2020 and will likely exceed that number in 2021. Pat’s patients, physicians, and leadership are proud of her tireless efforts and continued dedication to patient care.