Patricia Dreher
June 2021
Inpatient Pediatrics
Hennepin Healthcare
United States




Patti's co-workers all love working with her and appreciate how hard she works all the time!
Patti is always going above and beyond to ensure that her patients and all the patients on her unit are taken care of. She ensures that all of her co-workers are okay as well, especially all the people that float. She is also always willing to help out other units that are short (NICU/OB), by looking at her unit and seeing where they could possibly tighten up. Patti is always putting the needs of the patients first and is such a strong leader on her unit. She is well-liked, respected, and admired by her colleagues for her work and dedication to the patients here.


Patti is a nurse who is truly one of a kind. She puts Peds/PICU front and center every time she works. She works almost every day tirelessly filling in the open holes we have on the schedule. She is our resident charge nurse who advocates for our patients to ensure they get the best possible care. She also will work with the other Women's and Children's areas to make sure all the patients are covered and if she can help. When a pediatric patient doesn't like things on the menu, she has been known to frequently buy them food via door dash, to ensure the child has a good meal that day. She is skilled at starting IVs and obtaining blood, so she will go around and help all of her co-workers out making sure their AM labs are done. She will frequently float out of turn to help out her co-workers. Patti's co-workers all love working with her and appreciate how hard she works all the time!