Patricia S Watkins
March 2023
Patricia S
Care Transitions Team
Mann-Grandstaff VA Medical Center
United States




Patricia has genuinely championed the core Vision and Values of the VA. Because of her, lives are improved!
Patricia Watkins was approached to inquire about securing additional resources for two Veterans diagnosed with ALS. She recalled from VISN20 GEC training related to the Triwest SEOC authorizations that the Expanded SEOC existed for vent-dependent Veterans. Upon further investigation, Ms. Watkins discovered Maxium Healthcare was the only preferred provider in HSRM/ Triwest contracted to provide private duty nursing and bowel and bladder care. Ms. Watkins contacted Maxium and the Business Development Manager for Spokane's office. She discovered Maxium offers a Veteran-Centric focus private duty nurse program and that they were already working with the Seattle VAMC.

To date, Ms. Watkins has secured home services for eight local ALS Veterans and was the critical resource for assisting the Mobile Gulf VAMC in providing the same benefits for one of their rural ALS Veterans. Patricia has genuinely championed the core Vision and Values of the VA. Because of her, lives are improved! I invite you to hear 2 of the stories that Ms. Watkins directly impacted. Whenever you hear "local VA contact" or a reference to "a partnership with the local VA medical center," know that this is Patricia Watkins they are referencing. 

M was diagnosed with ALS when he was 41 years old. When his care became too much for his wife, they found out that Maxim could come into their home and provide skilled nursing. "It's a huge burden off my wife, who used to have to get up with me 4 to 8 times a night and then try to take care of the kids and go to work on top of not getting any sleep. Because of the private-duty nursing in our home. I'm able to be a part of their lives, influence them and be a part of our community." - M, a Veteran with ALS "There's a lot that goes into taking care of somebody and taking care of them well. And I think it's really important that we start giving people permission to ask for help and to accept the resources that are out there. It's eye-opening the difference in resources. So if it's available, please utilize it. It will improve your quality of life as well as your loved ones." - M's wife

D was diagnosed with ALS in 2014 and has been receiving skilled nursing in his home from Maxim for just over two years. "I was a really active person. I was a good sailor and I was a machinist mate third class. My experience with Home nurses and the other benefits of being able to have them here is tremendous. I am more comfortable at home with my family and friends." - D, Veteran with ALS "Having someone with as many needs as D does is 100% doable at home. But having skilled nursing is also a must in that equation. It takes so much of the burden off of a single care provider." - D's wife