Patrick Gotis
May 2024
4P Med Surg
John Hopkins Howard County Medical Center
United States




Patrick clearly was able to see past the addiction to value the human being who was suffering, and he did his very best to relieve that suffering and to treat C with the dignity and concern that all human beings deserve.
Patrick treated my loved one, C, with tremendous compassion and exemplary professional medical care. C presented to the hospital with serious wounds in his feet related to IV drug use - the wounds were (to a layperson) visually very gross and smelly. Because these wounds were the direct result of addiction behavior, not everyone is able to have compassion for patients who find themselves in situations like this.

However, Patrick consistently treated C with the greatest respect and care, making C feel like a valued human being despite having addiction and ensuing medical complications. Unfortunately, even some people in the medical community have trouble displaying compassion for addicts. But not Patrick! He approached everyday challenges with appropriate humor, creativity, and the utmost professionalism, such as when he had the challenge of putting hospital socks over very large bandages.

He lightened the mood with appropriate jokes, which put C at ease. Patrick encouraged C to remain in the hospital even though C was starting to feel sick from withdrawal. Fortunately, this encouragement from Patrick was successful, and C was able to stay and get the care he needed. Patrick also pointed out C's positive personal qualities. He encouraged him that he would be able to help others in the future if he worked toward recovery, helping C to feel a sense of personal value and purpose. Patrick clearly was able to see past the addiction to value the human being who was suffering, and he did his very best to relieve that suffering and to treat C with the dignity and concern that all human beings deserve.

As a loved one of a person with addiction, I am so very grateful for Patrick and so thankful that C was able to be helped by him. I only wish there could be more people like Patrick because it is people like him who truly make a tremendous difference in combating the scourge of the opiate epidemic, helping addicts who not only suffer from medical and mental health issues inherent to addiction but also with the shame and stigma that can come along with these conditions.

People like Patrick help people to recover from addiction as well as from their acute medical issues by enabling these patients to see themselves as worthy of help and motivating them to invest in themselves because another person is willing to treat them as human beings. Thank you so much, Patrick.