Patrick Wecker
July 2021
Cardiac Cath Lab
Torrance Memorial Medical Center
United States




Patrick allayed all fears and concerns we had while remaining patient and friendly, with the added bonus of a great sense of humor.
In my opinion, Patrick is the epitome of what the perfect Nurse/Caregiver should be. This past Monday he attended to my brother who was there for day surgery for a risky and complex Cardiac procedure. My brother was understandably nervous, apprehensive, and scared prior to the procedure. Patrick was there with him from the beginning and was extremely attentive, caring, and compassionate.

After the procedure, he was still at his side, caring for him in recovery, for which my brother was truly grateful. Patrick remembered that my brother stated prior to the surgery that he usually has a difficult time coming out of anesthesia, and he was patient, understanding, helpful, and encouraging. He called me to come to the hospital to be there at my brother's side, as I was the person that would be staying with him at his home. He took the time to explain to us what was done during the procedure in terms we could understand, the aftercare at the hospital, and at home. He allayed all fears and concerns we had while remaining patient and friendly, with the added bonus of a great sense of humor. It was truly comforting to have him there during this stressful time.

My brother has been a patient in Torrance Memorial on numerous occasions, and I can honestly say that we have never been in the company of a nurse that compared to Patrick. This statement is not made to disparage any of the other nursing and staff personnel we have encountered in the past but he was truly outstanding and I dare say that he is superior in every way. Patrick is truly to be commended.

He possesses and exemplifies everything you could ever want in the Nursing profession - in both pre and post-procedural care. In fact, he told us that he's been a proud member of the staff at Torrance Memorial Hospital for decades, which further attests to his vocational commitment to excellence in all aspects. It was refreshing to see that after many years of caring for patients, he has not lost his compassion or empathy and has absolutely found his calling. In closing, I really can't stop singing praises about him, and how very much his presence and care were appreciated by us this past Monday.