Patty Werner
May 2022
Ambulatory Care Center
SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital
St. Louis
United States




She didn’t have the money for the medication, and social work couldn’t help; Patty was not going to let this rest.
Patty often goes above and beyond her job duties to help our patients. One example is a 1-month-old who had missed multiple appointments and needed a high-risk medication started. Patty helped coordinate with Danis Peds to see this patient in their clinic when we realized the mom’s insurance was still pending. She didn’t have the money for the medication, and social work couldn’t help; Patty was not going to let this rest. She continued to fight and call until we found a way to pay for it and get the mom's insurance active, and she took the time to walk the mom to the pharmacy to finish the teaching with the medication. This took over 3 hours of time, but she positively impacted this child’s long-term outcome because the medication was started sooner than later- All thanks to her!