Paul Watson
March 2023
ACU 1600-1700
NorthBay Medical Center
United States




Paul looked exhausted but never displayed a change in attitude to his patient and her needs. He redirected her and reassured her of where she was and what was happening.
Paul Watson is an AMAZING nurse. He is extremely patient and kind with his patients and coworkers even when no one is around. I work as a VMT and observe Paul regularly with his patients through our cameras. On this particular night, Paul had a patient who had dementia and was highly anxious. She was pushing her call light constantly throughout the night and he answered every time in person to check on her. I had to call him throughout the night multiple times as she was starting to get out of bed and pulling on her IV. He continually and reliably answers his phone anytime he is called. Paul looked exhausted but never displayed a change in attitude to his patient and her needs. He redirected her and reassured her of where she was and what was happening. Paul displays the type of attitude and example I believe a DAISY Nurse should display. Compassionate, caring, kind, and reliable. He is truly one of the best nurses we have and even though at times he is exhausted he will always go to his patients and assist with their needs.

On nights when I come to work as a CNA and I am scheduled on the floor if I see that Paul is one of my nurses I know it will be a good night as he is always willing to help and pitch in with patient care and tasks. NorthBay Healthcare is truly blessed to have Paul as one of their nurses as he is a great asset to their healthcare team.

Note: This is Paul's 2nd DAISY Award!