Paula Nagg
November 2020
Family Birth Place Unit
Sacred Heart Hospital on the Emerald Coast




Paula's compassion, skill, and bedside manner are unbelievable.
Paula has been extraordinary from when she started seeing me. She was my RN on many night/day shifts. She helped me with the nipple shield to ultimately get my colostrum coming. I was very stressed and she calmed me more than she knows.
She is unbelievably knowledgeable on so many topics for new moms and she has really answered every question and concern I was dealing with (mainly breastfeeding and issues with my pain after delivery). Her compassion, skill, and bedside manner are unbelievable.
I truly am so thankful for her helping me through such a major life event without family during COVID. She was almost, in my eyes, like family.
Paula, I will never ever forget you and your talent with the labor and delivery unit. There are not enough special people like you!
My baby and I got through this post partum stay with your help and my heart is forever grateful!