Pearletha S Wilson
November 2023
Pearletha S
Emergency Room
Decatur Memorial Hospital
United States




Pearletha was kind enough to hold my hand the whole time getting the CT done. She was so caring and thoughtful the whole time, asking me about my kids and grandkids. It sure made my mind at ease.
I came into the ER on a Tuesday night for a possible stroke. So much was happening so fast to me. I got into a room, and this is my story that I want to share.

Nurse Pearletha came into the room and introduced herself to me and to my husband, she kept saying, "You’re in good hands here, nothing to worry about, you're safe." Pearletha began her procedures on me, first, she put the IV in, which I am terrified of needles. From the Grace of God, she worked miracles on me. I never felt a thing.

Second, I'm horrified of small, confined places, and I needed a CT scan. I went down the first time, and I couldn’t do it there was no way I was going into the machine. They pushed me back to my room. And Pearletha came back in and assured me it would be just fine. My husband kept talking to me making it worse for me, she said people that have these problems of being in small spaces there isn’t anything anyone can say or do to change their mind. Pearletha suggested to me to give me something to calm my nerves down. The whole time she never left my side first dosage she gave to me within minutes I felt calm and ready to go then a trauma came in, so that set back my CT for a while.

The medicine was wearing off, and she gave me some more to help me feel calm. It was showtime then. I was still feeling on edge about doing this, so I asked her if she would come in there with me. I didn’t want to be alone. Hands down, she was kind enough to hold my hand the whole time getting the CT done. She was so caring and thoughtful the whole time, asking me about my kids and grandkids. It sure made my mind at ease. After we were done, we went back to the room, and I felt a thousand times better.

Pearletha is the best, kindest, most caring, passionate person I have met. She definitely goes above and beyond for her patients. I am praying that if I ever have to go back to the ER, I will have her again.