January 2019
University Medical Center of Southern Nevada
Las Vegas
United States




There is a very unique and amazing nurse with a heart of gold that any patient is lucky to have; your hospital is very lucky to have her, and I believe you should be very proud of her kindness and professional way that she conducted herself.
Perumalammal took time to make sure that everything is ok. She makes sure I have my insulin when my sugar was extremely high, she makes sure I did not have any bad reactions from my medicines. She also makes sure that I know everything about everything that's going on with the orders the doctors have and the follow-ups. Because of my rare cancer and rare treatments that are not so common, she took the time to call the pharmacist and she called someone else to come in the room so she can learn how to use the treatments that made me solid like a rock. She did everything to give me the needed treatments that I need so badly to keep me alive. She made sure that I was safe, she is my hero.
Perumalammal did more than what her job requires. She made sure I was safe and that I was ok with the much-needed treatment that was new to her. She even went one step more and printed the instructions about reactions to the treatment. I truly appreciate her. She is something very rare. Thank you for having her, I know she will make you proud.