Peter Mullin
January 2021
Providence Alaska Medical Center




Peter helped me understand the medical choices being offered to me – he took away my fear in the middle of what seemed like surreal, but orderly, chaos!
I had two A-fib events on the same day. After being released from Providence E.R. early in the day, I went back into A-fib that same evening. At the age of 72 and unable to have my daughter with me due to COVID restrictions, I was very frightened and pretty sure I would need a revision as this was the second time in the same day I had experienced A-fib. When the ambulance wheeled me into an E.R. room for the second time that day, there was RN, Peter Mullin, waiting for me.
In all of my hospitalizations with both hip replacements and several others normally experienced by women who are lucky to reach the age of 72, I have never met a nurse like Peter in any hospital. He was so calm and knowledgeable, I immediately began to relax as I knew I was not in the hands of a novice. I did not even feel the IV when he inserted it! He calmly explained all of the actions taking place around me, as well as the doctor's explanations and orders.
Peter reassured me while working seamlessly with all of the many medical professionals, instructions, medications, procedures, and machines being ordered and attached to me. He helped me understand the medical choices being offered to me - he took away my fear in the middle of what seemed like surreal, but orderly, chaos! Peter was quiet, calm, and assured in his care and coordination with all of the team caring for me.
Peter stayed with me through the entire event, offering comfort at every turn, explaining the numbers blinking at me on the monitors, placing a warm blanket around my shoulders, how to find and use the bathroom, carefully reviewing with me my prescriptions and follow-up orders - in other words, all of my concerns and needs form a patient's perspective. When I remember this evening's visit to Providence E.R., I will remember it with warmth and a smile because of Peter's care.