Priyada Sisakawisan
September 2022
Ward 8 A ( Neurology Ward)
Bumrungrad International Hospital




I want to give admiration on this nurse , Priyada . She is such a responsible nurse , kind ,cheerful and also has high Moral of professional nurse . She has never say no on not her job or her colleague role if there need help she rush to do right away for the purpose of patient comfort .She never been late and she has a very good vision and very cภoncise to every detail . Example Many months ago she recognize that after feeding air x ,she found out that the tube seem like easily flow ( lubricant ) so she tried with the old tube which regular used so she set this her standard of care that before feeding Air-X can promote flow of feeding .this reason can save money at least 70 % . This from her observant . This not only money we saved but she still save the world from rubbish . I ‘m very pleased on her really May I ask for the hospital administrator please remain the best employees like her. She has a very analytical skill if not she wont think about related of Air-X and and the feeding tube . She has a bright future Please look after her