Rachael Penix
October 2016
Acute Care Services Unit
Canyon Vista Medical Center
Sierra Vista
United States




"Pancreatitis Hypocalcaemia."
Nurse Rachael Penix calls resident. "Calcium is low and lab can't read it."
"Ok," responds resident, "replace calcium and I will see the patient."
Resident sees patient and is asymptomatic. Rachael still concerned. Thinks "calcium is low, we need repeat lab."
Resident repeat labs. Lab can't read. "Too turbid". Meaning what? Don't know.
Call resident. Concerned because calcium low and now can't read calcium so far. Push resident. Resident convinced to do stuff.
Resident finds bad situation. Calls lab. Triglycerides are way too high and are creating errors in lab equipment making it impossible to get an accurate reading.
Resident calls attending who isn't worried about it. Resident reports what attending said and Rachael is still concerned.
Calls house supervisor and pushes resident for patient safety. Resident researches and ends up trying to transfer patient to UMC to get plasmapheresis for his triglycerides. Resident was unsuccessful but is able to find an alternative treatment to lower the patient's lipids.
Without Rachael, the patient would have had a bad time. Patient ended up in the ICU as a direct result of the Rachael's diligence and perseverance.