Rachel Gottlieb
October 2023
Hospital for Special Surgery
New York
United States




"Rachel was a true advocate for me."
Rachel took care of me when I got out of surgery. I was in surgery longer than expected with the spinal nerve block wearing off by the time I got to recovery. I was in unbearable pain. Rachel quickly (and I mean quickly) worked with the doctors to ensure I got something for the pain until the pain level got to manageable level. My surgery was the last one of the day, and I ended up spending three hours in recovery. By the time the pain was controlled with feeling regained in my feet, I was the last patient on the floor. Rachel went out of her to keep me company as my wife wasn't allowed in recovery and the discharge process was taking a long time.

I live in New Jersey and was staring at an hour-long car ride home. We waited an extra half hour before being approved for discharge. Knowing I was in pain and facing a long ride home, Rachel spent the majority of the time tracking down the anesthesiologist to ensure I could be discharged in a timely manner. Waking up after surgery is always a bit of a harrowing experience. One doesn't know exactly what was done, you're confused, possibly in pain, and in my case, unable to see as I wasn't wearing contacts. Rachel was a true advocate for me. She ensured I wasn't in unbearable pain, worked to get me discharged quickly once the decision was made, and overall served as a calming presence. I feel very fortunate she was my nurse.