Rachel Roderick
November 2015
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Valley Medical Center
United States




Our 3rd daughter was born early at 34 weeks and has a heart defect (VSD). Rachel was our nurse the night she was admitted to the NICU, and remained our nurse for the next three days. We cannot say enough how wonderful she is. She has the most kind, gentle demeanor and we trusted her implicitly with our daughter in those terrifying early hours. Not only is she tremendously compassionate, she is obviously very skilled as well. We got the sense that she was always learning more about her profession and she always took the time to explain what was happening to us (two worried parents) in a way that was easy for us to understand.
Rachel goes above and beyond in her care for both infant and parents. She was tender in her care of our daughter. She looked for the cutest outfits for her and found a soft blanket for cuddling. She made us three sets of footprints and taught me how to make a cozy for my teacup out of an infant hat so it didn't sweat. She didn't have to do these things, but she did them effortlessly, it's who she is. We'll forever be grateful she was on duty in those early days.