Rachel Smedley
February 2021
Sherwood Maternity Unit
Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust




As well as being exceptional at her job, Rachel is also very personable. She is extremely intuitive and was able to identify the type of care I required at any given time.
Rachel cared for me throughout my pregnancy, during multiple admissions for placenta previa bleeding. As well as being extremely concerned for my unborn child, I also have 2 young daughters, one of which is autistic. My constant admissions impacted upon her significantly. I felt anxious and extremely distressed at being away from her. The first time Rachel cared for me, she could see how much being away from my children was affecting my mental health and went above and beyond to make me feel as comfortable, reassured, and as positive as possible. Rachel would take time to talk to me, in an attempt to lift my spirits.
On one particular evening when I was feeling considerably low, she ran me a bath, turned down the lights, and placed candles (battery operated) around the bath in an attempt to calm me down and place me at ease. Each and every time I was admitted, despite having multiple patients, she made me feel as though I was the only one she was caring for.
As well as being exceptional at her job, Rachel is also very personable. She is extremely intuitive and was able to identify the type of care I required at any given time. I feel that not enough credit and thanks are given to people like Rachel so wanted to nominate her. I genuinely do not know how I would have got through those long days and nights without her care and support and I will never forget the compassion she showed me.