Rachel Vervaecke
June 2021
Intensive Care Unit
Ascension Macomb Hospital
United States




Rachel helped us better understand what the doctors and test results meant. She was so caring with my mom and us.
Our mother was in the ICU after suffering a major stroke. The stroke was a sudden illness for our mom, who was otherwise a relatively healthy woman. She only took one prescription for heart aFib, the rest of her medicines were daily vitamins and baby aspirin. We explained to the hospital staff we just spent a family gathering at our mom’s house a few days ago. Rachel understood what we were experiencing. She could see our shock and disbelief.

Rachel helped us better understand what the doctors and test results meant. She was so caring with my mom and us. She talked to us as a friend would, as a sibling would, she explained how running further tests may take 24-48 hours to see results. Her gentle tone, her skilled statements, her tenderness with our delicate mother.

Luckily for us, Rachel worked the next day too and helped us when we learned how severe the stroke was. She was the one who helped us through our tough decision of switching to comfort care and eventually hospice. Rachel stood out to us and helped us appreciate all that nurses do, go through, and experience in their day at work. Nurses like Rachel are truly superheroes in today’s world.