Rachel Wingert
May 2022
Critical Care
Wellspan Chambersburg Hospital
United States




Rachel's compassion for this man went above and beyond.
Rachel was caring for one of our acutely ill patients and had noticed the patient's husband had put a little sign up in the patient's room that said something to the effect of "We have a hot date for Valentine's Day, get well soon." This was the beginning of the week, and when she had the patient again a couple of days later, she saw the patient's husband taking the sign down; with tears in his eyes, he said he didn't think this was going to happen. Rachel knew that the patient was indeed dying and that the family was discussing making her comfort care because of her poor prognosis. She wanted the husband to have one more Valentine's date with his wife, even though it was a few days before Valentine's Day and even though she was unresponsive on the ventilator. Rachel took her morning break and went to Giant and came back with cupcakes, flowers, balloons, sparkling cider, and a card for him to give to her and a card which she completed for him. She also called the kitchen and asked to have a guest tray provided for him for lunch. Unbeknownst to him, she got everything prepared and surprised him with it. He was so surprised by it all! He was able to sit by his wife's bed and enjoy a meal with all of the "date" accessories. He signed the card Rachel got him for his wife and gave his wife a kiss. It was very moving for all of us that got to be a part of it; I think everyone in the room could feel the love this man had for his wife. His wife died later that evening. Rachel was able to provide this gentleman with his Valentine's date with his wife and provide a memory of some happiness in a hospital room that was pretty plain until the Valentine's happiness arrived. I'm sure he will be forever grateful. Rachel's compassion for this man went above and beyond. She took it upon herself to try and provide a Valentine's date for this man who had given up on that happening. I think the caring and empathy she displayed for this family makes her an extraordinary nurse! *This is Rachel's second DAISY Award