Rachelle Sedano
September 2022
LAC+USC Medical Center
Los Angeles
United States




Rachelle has shaped 8B into an impressive new care unit, one that functions more efficiently and safely.
Rachelle is approachable and is always an available resource. She likes to teach, encourages growth within the unit, and is a good mentor. She is fair with staff and has good communication skills.


 A leading nurse must look out for their co-workers, someone that can get along with everyone, but at the same time someone that calls the shots. At times this leader must be firm with their word to get their point through. Overall, a leader I am willing to follow is open to helping, observing, teaching, and guiding their team. I am happy & thankful to be working under Ms. Rachelle. She has given me respect and responsibility to help care for our nurses, patients, & our unit. I have been in a dilemma about what to study in school, but now I can boldly say that I want to become a nurse as awesome as Ms. Rachelle Sedano.


She has only been a nurse supervisor for 8B for about 2+ years but has done so much for the unit and its staff. She has shaped 8B into an impressive new care unit, one that functions more efficiently and safely. She advocates for her staff and the patients on the unit. She treats everyone with mutual respect. She is reliable in times of need and provides the proper guidance to effectively solve problems.


I nominate Rachelle as she has shown great perseverance and the caring heart of a truly compassionate nurse whom I am happy to call my supervisor. She is a nurse who is patient-safety driven and always shows up for her staff. We love her.


Before I worked with Rachelle, I only heard about her. Everyone said she has a big heart. After working with her I could see that she has a heart of gold and stands up for people, especially patients. She runs huddles and codes like a complete boss. She has an aura that is contagious for her advocacy. She may have a tough exterior but has a heart of gold. She sets the culture on 8B.


Rachelle demonstrates exemplary leadership with compassion and dedication to both the staff & patients. As the unit SSN, she has shaped the unit into a cohesive, team-centric unit & with the majority of her staff being RNs, she has never stopped trying to guide and teach in such a way that encourages growth & development. When a patient needs assistance, she never hesitates to jump in & help. She steps in when there is a breakdown in communication between the RN & the MD team or when a patient is decompensating. Her mission is to advocate for both her staff and patients. It’s always a good day when we know she will be working because she has such knowledge and dedication to the people she serves. Having her kind of leadership inspired & motivated me to be a team player, and it has changed the way I serve both my coworkers and patients for the better. She hasn’t just influenced me, but many of my coworkers too. She isn’t the kind of leader who disappears into her office, she spends most of her time each day in the unit with the rest of us, getting involved in patient care. Rachelle is so deserving and she exemplifies the kind of leader others look up to. I strive to be a better nurse every day because she motivates me and has always shown me compassion, respect, and support. I have learned so much from her and I want her to know that she is respected and appreciated for everything she has done, everything she continues to do, and everything she will do in the future.


Ms. Sedano fulfills the requirements for this award. She is a leader who influences people around her and positively shapes the unit’s culture. Her role as a leader has been making 8B a family. Thank you to Ms. Sedano, 8B is something nurses can call home and it’s not just a workplace. It’s a new progressive care unit that receives many border nurses. Ms. Sedano knows the importance of shaping a brand-new nurse into a reliable team player. Her true open-door policy and excellent communication skills make her easy to approach when an issue or challenging task comes across the unit. Her practice by example creates good relationships and builds trust. As new nurses, we had trouble getting IV started or difficulty obtaining an ABG, it was not a surprise to see her in the room and convert that moment into a teaching lesson by providing tips on how to improve our skills. It did not matter if it was a covid or any other isolation patient. She was there with us gown-up to admit, discharge, or stabilize a patient. As a leader, Ms. Sedano is sharing her knowledge and building leaders. I became a nurse approximately a year and a half ago. Thank you for the guidance of Ms. Sedano and the teamwork of 8B, at least eight nurses and I can now perform the charge nurse role. She constantly exposes us to the hospital policy and challenges us with questions of “what do you think will happen if your guy does this or that". She helps us, the new nurses to find our voices as advocators and not to be afraid to speak with doctors. In PCU doctors often try to keep patients that should be in ICU settings. She fights for the staff and patients’ well-being. One of her sayings is “patients are already suffering for their condition our job is to help them to improve in their health or at least make them comfortable.” Everyone knows she can be firm a so direct that it can be scary sometimes, but we know everything is ethically right for the staff and patients. We have mutual respect. She encourages her team to strive for their professional potential by floating us to different units or ICUs. I do not have a specific story about her, but I have countless moments where she has been a leader, a mentor, and a team player. Many border nurses like the family and 8B environment to the point they submitted their official transfer. Ms. Sedano plants the seed of a great environment to work in that produces an increment in retention rate, which is beneficial to the unit because it decreases the workload. This makes the staff feel respected, appreciated, and trusted. Therefore, it will be a joy for staff to see our leader nurse getting this award because Ms. Rachelle is a modeling nurse who goes beyond her responsibilities and makes a huge difference. Her leadership style creates a win-win situation because all the staff is happy to come to work in a staffing shortage period.


I believe Rachelle deserves this award because she is a true definition of a nurse. Rachelle is always willing to put the unit’s needs before hers. She has worked so hard to create an environment of compassion, respect, and most importantly teamwork. I arrived on the unit last year; I was only supposed to be on the unit for a couple of months but the very minute I met her I started to learn more as a nurse and about myself. I knew that she is the leader I wanted to learn more from, so I decided to submit a transfer request. This unit has been my home since. She has always motivated me to strive for greatness and never settle. She continues to create a great and safe learning environment for everyone. Rachelle deserves this award so that she realizes how truly grateful we are to have a leader like her.


She is a supervisor that will jump in during any difficult situation. She leads from the front, creating a healthy & loving environment. When there is a difficult situation, she jumps in without hesitation to teach a skill or valuable lesson. She makes sure that her team is happy by asking for input and hearing everyone’s concerns. She understands that the job is stressful, therefore she goes above and beyond to create a schedule that everyone is content within both a professional and loving manner. She can address problems head-on with a soft but direct approach. She is always providing lessons about patient care that she has learned from her experiences as a RN. She applies the lessons learned to her nursing staff. So that we may all learn from her mistakes. She shares stories about how she used to come to general hospital with her mother when she was a little girl and dreamed about becoming a nurse. She is a perfect role model and gives nurses a great reputation due to her work ethic, passion, and dedication to nursing.


When I was initially hired as a new nurse, I was nervous and felt intimidated by what experience awaited me. Thankfully, Ms. Rachelle was always a supportive and encouraging leader for us as new nurses. I appreciate that she has always emphasized teamwork, hard work, and standing up for what is right, especially for our patients. She is like a mother to our unit, and I am grateful to have her as our leader in our unit’s success.


When our unit started as a new PCU unit Rachelle came as our new SSN. Ever since she started, she completely converted this unit for the better. She has fulfilled her new SSN position on all levels. Besides the fact that she gets all our management needs to be done. She considers all staff needs and makes sure everything is taken care of. She tries her best to have the unit promptly staffed, but above all, she never forgets to be a nurse first. She is one of the first to respond to patients’ needs and never fails to lend the staff a helping hand. I am forever grateful to have her as my SSN for this and so many other reasons.


I nominate Rachelle as the greatest, most compassionate nurse leader in the history of LAC+USC Medical Center. She goes above and beyond for the unit and her staff. She is always available to help. When there is a patient that is crashing, she puts aside her work and is the first person in the room that shows up to help. She takes her time to make sure the nurses on duty are ready and is very willing to teach. She always has the best interest of her staff and patients. During the pandemic, she was always there to serve.


We all know that being a nurse these days is not an easy job, especially when you start your shift with 20 tasks for only one patient and haven’t seen your other two patient’s tasks for the next 12 hours. As we get closer to finishing the tasks, more appear before your shift ends, and the incoming nurse questions why you didn’t finish them all, but all you can do is smile and hope for the best for their shift. As mentioned, it’s difficult to be a nurse these days, let alone an ICU nurse, and then to be insane enough to be a supervising staff nurse in one of the busiest PCU is mind-boggling. Ms. Rachelle Sedano, on the other hand, has decided to join the new and developing PCU team and has been challenged to use her leadership and guidance skills to help establish this amazing unit. She always encourages the team to take on the challenge of becoming stronger ICU nurses by stepping out of their comfort zone. She never hesitates to go toe to toe with any primary team about any patient care concerns to ensure the best possible care is delivered to the patients. She is constantly encouraging the team and making the most of a stressful day. Rachelle is the first to be awarded the DAISY award for 8B PCU and hopes that others will follow her footsteps.