Randee Hokanson
May 2021
Employee Health
Portneuf Medical Center




Randee has really stepped up, taken the reins, and managed disaster after disaster
I have had the opportunity to work with and watch Randee Hokanson in various capacities over the last few years. However. this last year has been one for the books. Randee has been on call pretty much 24/7 during this time! Randee has been thrown into a sea of chaos over the last nine months. One person, over a thousand employees, and then throw flu, COVID-19, and the myriad of employee testing and exposures on top of that? Talk about painful and stressful.
During this time I have seen her deal with employee exposures to COVID, setting up testing, contacting managers, and following exposure trails to determine where it came from. Then you add on the flu shots that were mandatory this year. She had to set up and run numerous flu shot clinics and maintain the paper trail for those clinics both physically and electronically. After flu shots were over now comes the COVID-19 vaccination clinic. I have worked in several clinics through the years and I must say, the COVID vaccine clinic was one of the best set up, managed, and smooth-running mass injection clinics I have ever seen.
From moment one, the clinic ran like a well-oiled machine and was able to accommodate the many people scheduled and even a few non-scheduled vaccine recipients. The excellence really showed through and very few problems occurred. I realize this was also a huge effort on others parts as well but ultimately it was Randee that was responsible. I feel that with all of the challenges this year has presented, Randee has really stepped up, taken the reins, and managed disaster after disaster. Her hard work and dedication have not gone unnoticed.